fruit of the spiritHow does your life taste to other people? Are you walking in step with the Holy Spirit, enough so that the “fruit of the Spirit” is evident in the ways you interact with others?[i] How about your “Emotional Intelligence,” which Daniel Goleman defines as “the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships”? [ii]

Here are some stimulating conversations between Paul Richardson, author of A Certain Risk, and Mike O’Quin, author of Growing Desperate, blending together the themes of the Fruit of the Spirit from Galatians chapter five, along with the five categories of Emotional Intelligence based on the research and writings of Daniel Goleman.

Our desire in these informal conversations, each one about 20 minutes, is to inspire you to grow in both the godly character and the EQ “soft skills” that will help you become the transformative leader that God has called you to be:






Social Skills

We hope you find these conversations helpful…if so, please share with your friends on social media and let us know!

[i] Galatians 5:22

[ii] Goleman, Daniel (2011-12-07). Working With Emotional Intelligence. Random House Publishing Group

In this audio podcast Paul Richardson and Mike O'Quin talk about some books that have shaped their thinking, shifted their paradigms and stirred their hearts.  In this first of two recorded conversations, they talk about the importance of finding good books and absorbing them to develop as leaders.  Specifically they discuss key concepts from the books of Bill Johnson ("Dreaming with God"), Steven Covey ("The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People"), Jim Collins ("Good to Great", "Built to Last" and "Good to Great and the Social Sector"), Malcolm Gladwell ("The Tipping Point"), David McCullough ("John Adams"), David Keirsey and Marilyn Bates ("Please Understand Me"), John Eldredge ("Wild at Heart"), and Paul's own book "A Certain Risk."  Click here to listen or you can find us on iTunes by searching for the podcast, "Faith Activators":

Books That Have Shaped Us (Part One)